Greater Manchester


Functional Capacity Evaluation (assessing fitness for work)

Work Capability Assessments

What is a Functional Capacity Evaluation?

The aim of a Functional capacity Evaluation (FCE) is to assess if the employee is fit to perform the tasks involved in their job role effectively without risk to themselves or others’ health and safety. This assessment is used for complex cases in which a more thorough assessment is required than that offered within the standard “Occupational Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation” assessment. For example, it may be used for those with long periods of absenteeism, multiple conditions, multiple areas of pain or conflict over work capability. This assessment is also used to assess if a “Manual Handling Workplace Assessment” is needed.

What is involved in a Functional Capacity Evaluation?

The assessment takes approximately 90 minutes. We will ask numerous questions about the employees’ health and any difficulties they may be having at work.  A physical assessment will be carried out to assess joint movement, muscle strength and function which may require them to undress. We will also carry out very specific and validated functional tests to simulate any potential tasks that are causing difficulty.  A validated psychological screening tool will also be used to assess if there are any psycho-social barriers affecting their ability to carry out their full role.

What happens after a Functional Capacity Evaluation?

This assessment assists the employer in complying with their obligations within the Manual handling Operations Regulations 1992 and the implementation of reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010.  Following the assessment, we provide a report detailing;

  • Fitness for work and if the worker is able to perform their substantive duties or not.
  • Anticipated return to work date (if applicable).
  • Reasonable modifications or adjustments to support the employee at work or in returning to work.
  • Which alternative job roles the worker can perform.
  • A clinical prognosis with timescales for recovery.
  • What further rehabilitation requirements are required?

This allows employers to understand and resolve fitness for work issues so If you would like to find out more about this service – Please click here to contact us.